Mata Chanan Devi Hospital C-1, Janakpuri, New Delhi -110058
+ (91) - (11) - 45582000/10
Audiology deals in identifying and evaluating hearing disorders that are associated with adults, children or infants.
The audiology department at Mata Chanan Devi Hospital offers diagnostic evaluations to people having speech, hearing, language and communication difficulties.
Our team of experienced and qualified audiologist undertake all kinds of hearing tests like
1. B.T.E. Behind the Ear
2. RIC Receiver in Canal
3. IIC, CIC & ITC.
Speech Therapy focus on improving Someone’s speech and abilities to comprehend and express language.
We deal with all kinds of speech and language problems including voice problems e.g. Stammering, delayed speech and language, misarticulation, cleft palate, Aphasia etc.